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In the Beginning...

When the first Star Wars movie came out in 1977, there was a lot of backlash about the movie in the Christian community. Some Christians did not like the movie and thought it was a satanic conspiracy and that George Lucas was a closeted Hindu trying to plant New Age ideas into children's minds. Their reasoning was that Yoda, the great and powerful Jedi master sounded a lot like "yoga" and that he was very Krishna-esque. Another piece of evidence that made the Christians believe it were hidden Hindu messages in the movie is that Yoda taught his young padawan Luke Skywalker how to levitate and move objects using his mind. However after the first couple movies, the Christian community came to notice that there was subtle Christian themes in the movies as well such as good vs evil, sacrificial love, a child born to guide people, even the best of us can fall, rebirth, redemption, and the idea that we are all apart of something bigger than ourselves.

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